The path we will walk in autumn 2022 covers roughly 2500 kilometres and is basically the Balkan route, but in the opposite direction.
Walking as a political act has a long-standing tradition, and we consider
our march to be a clear statement in favour of an open Europe that respects the Human Rights.
In case you share this concern, we would love for you to join us.
You can either drop by for a day when we are close to your home village or make an extended trip out of it in case you live far away.
You can find the planned routes for each specific day below.
ÖSTERREICH // AUSTRIA Vienna ⇾ 28km on 03/09 ⇾ Traiskirchen ⇾ 28km on 04/09 ⇾ Eggendorf ⇾ 23km on 05/09 ⇾ Rohrbach bei Mattersburg ⇾ 22km on 06/09 ⇾ Oberpullendorf ⇾ 30km on 07/09 ⇾ Rechnitz ⇾ 30km on 08/09 ⇾ Kohfidisch ⇾ 20km on 09/09 ⇾ Neustift bei Güssing ⇾ 24km on 10/09 ⇾ MAGYARORSZÁG // HUNGARY Felsőszölnök ⇾ 23km on 11/09 ⇾ SLOVENIJA // SLOVENIA Krašči ⇾ 22km on 12/09 ⇾ Spodnji Ivanjci ⇾ 22km on 13/09 ⇾ Ptuj ⇾ 26km on 14/09 ⇾ HRVATSKA // CROATIA Gornji Macelj ⇾ 24km on 15/09 ⇾ Krapinske Toplice ⇾ 24km on 16/09 ⇾ Draše ⇾ 20km on 17/09 ⇾ Zaprešić ⇾ 28km on 18/09 ⇾ Zagreb ⇾ 20km on 20/09 ⇾ Rugvica ⇾ 25km on 21/09 ⇾ Ivanić-Grad ⇾ 21km on 22/09 ⇾ Popovača ⇾ 28km on 23/09 ⇾ Kutina ⇾ 18km on 24/09 ⇾ Novska ⇾ 25km on 25/09 ⇾ Gornji Bogićevci ⇾ 24km on 26/09 ⇾ Nova Gradiška ⇾ 14km on 27/09 ⇾ Lužani ⇾ 28km on 28/09 ⇾ Slavonski Brod ⇾ 28km on 29/09 ⇾ BOSNA // BOSNIA ⇾ Donji Klakar ⇾ 20km on 30/09 ⇾ Odžak ⇾ 23km on 01/10 ⇾ Gradačac ⇾ 25km on 02/10 ⇾ Pelagićevo ⇾ 18km on 03/10 ⇾ Brčk(Istok) ⇾ 25km on 04/10 ⇾ Bijeljina ⇾ 32km on 05/10 ⇾ СРБИЈА // SERBIA ⇾ Богатић // Bogatić ⇾ 26km on 06/10 ⇾ Сремска Митровица // Sremska Mitrovica ⇾ 24km on 07/10 ⇾ Рума // Ruma ⇾ 19km on 08/10 ⇾ Стара Пазова // Stara Pazova ⇾ 28km on 09/10 ⇾ Београд // Belgrad ⇾ 32km on 11/10 ⇾ Бели Поток // Beli Potok ⇾ 16km on 12/10 ⇾ Сопот // Sopot ⇾ 27km on 13/10 ⇾ Младеновац // Mladenovac ⇾ 16km on 14/10 ⇾ Смедеревска Паланка // Smederevska Palanka ⇾ 26km on 15/10 ⇾ Лапово // Lapovo ⇾ 29km on 16/10 ⇾ Јагодина // Jagodina ⇾ 29km on 17/10 ⇾ Параћин // Paraćin ⇾ 21km on 18/10 ⇾ Варварин // Varvarin ⇾ 21km on 19/10 ⇾ Крушевац // Kruševac ⇾ 23km on 20/10 ⇾ Витково (Александровац) // Vitkovo (Aleksandrovac) ⇾ 29km on 21/10 ⇾ Брус // Brus ⇾ 15km on 22/10 ⇾ Блаце // Blace ⇾ 28km on 23/10 ⇾ Куршумлија // Kuršumlija ⇾ 23km on 24/10 ⇾ KOSOVO ⇾ Besianë ⇾ 35km on 25/10 ⇾ Prishtina ⇾ 29km on 27/10 ⇾ Lipjan ⇾ 18km on 28/10 ⇾ Ferizaj ⇾ 22km on 29/10 ⇾ Kaçanik ⇾ 20km on 30/10 ⇾ СЕВЕРНА МАКЕДОНИЈА // NORTH MACEDONIA ⇾ Banjane ⇾ 26km on 31/10 ⇾ Skopje ⇾ 16km on 02/11 ⇾ Kumanovo ⇾ 34km on 03/11 ⇾ Vojnik ⇾ 17km on 04/11 ⇾ Rankovce ⇾ 25km on 05/11 ⇾ Opština Kriva Palanka ⇾ 23km on 06/11 ⇾ БЪЛГАРИЯ // BULGARIA ⇾ Раненци // Ranentsi ⇾ 29km on 07/11 ⇾ Кюстендил // Kjustendil ⇾ 18km on 08/11 ⇾ Горна Гращица // Gorna Grashtnitsa ⇾ 14km on 09/11 ⇾ Извор (Радомир) // Izvor (Radomir) ⇾ 24km on 10/11 ⇾ Земен // Zemen ⇾ 19km on 11/11 ⇾ Радомир // Radomir ⇾ 28km on 12/11 ⇾ Перник // Pernik ⇾ 14km on 13/11 ⇾ София // Sofia ⇾ 30km on 15/11 ⇾ Нови хан // Nowi Chan ⇾ 30km on 16/11 ⇾ Веринско // Verinsko ⇾ 26km on 17/11 ⇾ Костенец // Kostenets ⇾ 28km on 18/11 ⇾ Белово // Belovo ⇾ 21km on 19/11 ⇾ Пазарджик // Pasardschik ⇾ 29km on 20/11 ⇾ Стамболийски // Stambolijski ⇾ 21km on 21/11 ⇾ Пловдив // Plovdiv ⇾ 20km on 22/11 ⇾ Садово // Sadovo ⇾ 20km on 23.11. ⇾ Дебър // Debar ⇾ 25km on 24/11 ⇾ Минерални бани // Mineralni Bani ⇾ 27km on 25/11 ⇾ Хасково // Haskovo ⇾ 20km on 26/11 ⇾ Харманли // Harmanli ⇾ 33km on 27/11 ⇾ Любимец // Ljubimez ⇾ 21km on 28/11 ⇾ ΕΛΛΆΔΑ // GREECE ⇾ Ορμένιο // Ormenio ⇾ 23km on 29/11 ⇾ Καστανιές // Kastanies 28km on 30/11 ⇾ TÜRKIYE ⇾ Edirne ⇾ 19km on 01/12 ⇾ Havsa ⇾ 27km on 02/12 ⇾ Babaeski ⇾ 28km on 03/12 ⇾ Lüleburgaz ⇾ 24km on 04/12 ⇾ Büyükkarıştıran ⇾ 29km on 05/12 ⇾ Çorlu ⇾ 29km on 06/12 ⇾ Çanta ⇾ 26km on 07/12 ⇾ Silivri ⇾ 19km on 08/12 ⇾ Tepecik (Büyükçekmece) | 27km on 09/12 ⇾ Küçükçekmece ⇾ 25km on 10/12 ⇾ Istanbul
We plan to walk 25km per day on average, but the daily routes vary considerably for practical reasons. If you want to join us for one whole day, calculate distances between 15 and 35km. The map above will give you a general overview. It’s of course perfectly possible to join us only for part of a day’s stretch. If you plan to walk with us for several days, we highly recommend practicing a bit in advance so that your body, especially your feet, can get used to it.
We’ll pass through three different seasons and of course, everybody’s needs are pretty different. It’s certainly useful to check online lists of what to bring on long-distance trails. As for us, we try hard to keep our backpack weights at 12kg or below. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
We intend to sleep at the homes of private hosts who support the project by sharing their homes. Of course they can’t be asked to accommodate even more people. So, while we hope you understand that we can’t organize your accommodation, if you meet with great difficulties to find a solution at a certain place, please contact us, perhaps we can find a way. After all, while planning the route, we put a lot of attention to the question, if AirBnBs, hostels, or hotels can be found.
Please inform yourself about travel vaccinations and insurances. Again, everybody has different needs when it comes to feeling safe and requirements vary greatly across countries and regions, so there’s no overall advice we can give you. However, an easy way to ensure fairly comprehensive coverage might be to use your credit card – and thus activate its travel insurance – right before your journey.
Please inform us about your date of arrival as well as the entry and exit point of your walk with us via the contact form. We’ll let you know our contact info and then get in touch with you about two days before our scheduled meeting to arrange the exact time and place.
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich:
camp Nu – Verein zur Förderung von Theater-, Kunst- und Performanceprojekten
ZVR: 234723296